Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Grace's first lost tooth

A few days before we went to St. George over Memorial Day, Grace lost her first tooth. She was pretty excited, but didn't want the tooth fairy to come until she had a chance to show all her friends at school. Then she forgot to bring it to St. George with us, so by the time we got home, the tooth fairy kind of forgot to come. Oops. Of course, Grace's cousin, Ally, told her the tooth fairy pays double when she forgets to come. Lucky girl. If you look close you can see next to the missing tooth Grace has a fused tooth. Two teeth came in fused together when she was a baby. The dentist said that it happens and the permanent teeth will come in separate. She just lost the double tooth last week. She was thrilled to find a $2 bill from the tooth fairy for that double tooth. Tyler has turned into our resident tooth extractor. He has pulled all of his teeth, and now all of Grace's teeth. Brian was gone to bishopric meeting when Grace came and said her tooth was ready to be pulled. I tried and couldn't get it. So Tyler quickly offered his services and sure enough, out it came.