Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I was so excited when we found out that we were having a little girl, our Elsie. The pressure of getting Grace a sister was off. Having 4 sisters, I've maintained that every girl needs a sister, although Brian argues the opposite. Having 5 brothers, he insists that every boy needs a brother, more than a girl needing a sister. Oh, not so, my love. If Tyler gets a brother, I'll be happy, but I'd probably have to keep having kids until I got my girl a sister. They'll have the years of fighting over each other's clothes (hopefully never over boys, which did happen at my house growing up), but eventually, I hope they will end up being the best of friends. What a joy it is to have a sister.

And so, my ode to my sisters:

A Bag Full of M&M's:

My best of friends whenever I'm in need
Always there for my aching heart to feed.
Or just a laugh to give me a little smile
Even if we're separated by way too many a mile.

We've mastered two-way calling and learned five-way is the best
'Cuz when it's just a few of us we always miss the rest.
Sharing our daily adventures, not always full of cheer
Whatever is the story, I've got an attentive ear.

Mandy is my neighbor, shopping buddy and babysitter too
My adult conversation on our outings to the zoo.
A perfect example of selfless living true
Without my oldest sister I'd not know what to do.

Megan is my daily wake-up call on the telephone
My teacher of canning and quilting, before to me unknown.
Never an idle moment, always a busy little bee
Learning to do new things, she's ever inspired me.

Melanie's a beauty, filled with style, poise and grace
Helping me with fashion and how to put makeup on my face.
One who's ever faithful, her standards she'll never compromise
Showing me how to continue growing, although I'll never reach her size.

Mallorie, or Mookie, as she is so well known
A favorite aunt to my kids, a smile she's always shown.
She teaches me to love without judging, each and everyone
And she's always ready to take the lead in having fun!

My sisters are amazing, the best they truly are
I love them each so dearly, no matter near or far.
Thank you for teaching me - and for being my friend
Sealed for all eternity, we'll be together to the end!

Grace and Elsie, I hope you learn to love and appreciate each other. Sisters are the best, and you are so blessed to have each other.

Mandy, Megan, Misty, Mallorie, Melanie


The Kent Family said...

Sisters really are the best! You should ask Brian what he would have done without his sisters! On the other hand, I still think every kid needs a brother!

Ryan said...

SISTERS! SISTERS! You are lucky to have me.

Hunnie said...

You flatter my vain side (gosh I love you!!).
Misty knows everyone needs a Pete
A sister like her you cannot beat
Scrubbing toilets, tubs and sinks
Are much more fun with her I think!
(And the rhymes are much better too!)

Love ya!

* Mallorie * said...

well, Stink is real original isn't she? You forgot to add that that happens to be her nick name.
At least I am known for my sparkling personality he he he.
For Pete:
You are awesome
You are fine
You so hot you blow my mind

Beat that one Mel! Love you both!