Saturday, November 8, 2008

Two weeks before my due date

Sorry about the lack of posts, to anyone who still checks my blog. Time has gotten away from me. Two weeks ago I was released as Primary President, just in time to have a baby. It's a bitter-sweet release. I was very ready for it, after almost 4 years in primary. But I was sad they did it two weeks before the primary program. I am quite excited to see Tyler in his first primary program tomorrow. He has his part down pat and knows all the songs. He is quite excited to sit up on the stand and sing and talk in the microphone. After that, I think I'll head out and look for a trampoline to get this baby out. We got tickets to Disney On Ice for this week, but if the baby comes, I'm good to let Brian take the kids by himself. I'm ready! We've made it a tradition the last couple of years to go to Disneyland in the fall. However, this year I am much too pregnant to brave that one. So we decided we'd call it good with Disney On Ice. I know it's not Disneyland, but the kids should have a great time anyway!


Kari Ankeney said...

Oh my word, Misty! I cannot even do splits when I am not pregnant! Way to go. We are getting excited for our new neice/cousin to arrive, probably not quite as excited as you! Keep us posted.

Shana said...

I. can. not. believe. you.
You'd think that you'd have had that baby now with that kind of behavior. ;D

Zipporah said...

You are amazing and way too flexible for a pregnant lady! -And you look great! I'm excited to hear when this little one arrives. I'll be checking your blog constantly to find out. I hope everything goes well.

Vinyl Expressions said...

You are so flexable. I did not even want to get off the couch when I was pregnant let alone be active like that.

cdheim said...

My word girl. After all these years you can still do the splits. And pregnant too. You rock!!!

Amie said...

What the heck?! What's this? SPLITS?! You are freakin' awesome Misty. You amaze me. LOL!

Amie said...

Oh! Oh!~ I get it...You're trying to get the baby to come, right??