Friday, December 9, 2011

Festival of Trees

Brian chaperoned Grace's field trip to the Festival of trees. Our play group went at the same time, so we got to see them there.


Brian's brother, Dell, and his family stopped on their way through town and we enjoyed spending time with them. We went downtown and saw the lights at Temple Square.


Ten points to whoever can guess what Elsie is into this year!!!

We looked at tons of Dora cakes online and this is the one she picked. Easy!

Aunt Mookie gave her her favorite present...a Dora pillowpet! That was one happy girl.

Elsie is pretty fun to watch open presents. She gets so excited at everything.

Witches at Gardner Village

I took the kids to see the witches at Gardner Village. We go every year. They were very disappointed that the petting zoo was gone. Not to worry, they had fun playing in the pond, trying to catch tadpoles (or something???).

Copper Mine

Tyler really wanted to go to the copper mine, so we went. Papa wanted to check it out as well, so he came along. It was fun. We even got to see them dynamite.


Brian - Pirate, Misty and Sofie - Snow White, Tyler - Harry Potter, Grace - A Gypsy, Elsie - Cowgirl

We had fun all season. We attended several Halloween parties. I helped at Tyler's class party at school and there was a little sister of a classmate who almost had a heart attack when she saw me. She thought I was really Snow White. It was pretty funny.


Some of our fun summer.

For Grace's birthday, Grandma and Papa White gave her a butterfly and ladybug garden. She got the caterpillars and got to watch them cocoon and transform into butterflies. She also got ladybug larvae and got to watch them morph. It was pretty interesting, but I was happy to get them out of my house.

Elsie broke her leg on Uncle Dean's trampoline three weeks after Sofie was born. She was in a full-leg cast for about 6 weeks. She refused to walk on it until about a week before the cast came off. She had been so excited to start dance, so she still went and did everything from her tushie! It was pretty cute to watch. Boy was I glad when the cast finally came off. She got a nice warm bath, complete with a thorough scrubbing!!!

Tyler and Grace at the ward camp out. Brian took them and I stayed home with the newborn and the broken leg.

Elsie and Andrew

Ladd with Lizzie, Mandy and Bart

Scary stories by the campfire


I made Grace a Tangled cake. It looked a lot cooler in the picture I tried to copy. Mine turned out to be more of a mangled Tangled, but she still loved it. I can't believe how big she is getting (I guess I should say "old she is getting" because she's still so small).